DOA uses technology to create innovative and user-friendly systems to help us, not replace us.
Developing secure bespoke systems
DOA has an in-house web development team who are dedicated to building bespoke systems. All of the software systems are constantly improved and updated to ensure DOA stays ahead of the curve. Its investment in technology is designed to help its team of experienced underwriters rather than replace them, enabling DOA to provide the very best solutions for its clients.
DOA is committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of both customer data and our in-house systems. This includes being in full compliance with the industry standard Cyber Essentials Plus scheme, which involves ensuring full hardening of our systems and services.

DOA’s main goal is to ensure systems and processes are as simple and easy as possible so brokers remain efficient. Over its 25-year history, DOA have continued to innovate and have built some of the best systems in the insurance space today.
Starting back in 2002, DOA launched its first SunWorld quote and buy travel system. Since then, DOA have continued to evolve and develop systems by continually adding in new features to make brokers’ jobs quicker and easier.
Many of these changes come directly from user’s feedback. When brokers are using any system, they can send in any improvements no matter how small, and the web development team will add it to their action plan. This open communication means users always have a voice and helps to make their experience even better.