
Excess Liabilities

Additional coverage for Public, Products & Employers Liability.

What is Excess Liability Insurance?

Excess Liability Insurance is a separate policy providing an additional layer of cover over and above that of the underlying primary policy.

What does Excess Liability Insurance Cover?

When a liability claim surpasses your primary insurance cover limit, Excess Liability Insurance covers the remaining amount, up to its predefined limit.

How can DOA help?

We cater for a wide variety of risks from cafes to building contracts up to £50m limit of indemnity.

Our bespoke user-friendly online platform simplifies operations, while our dedicated team of underwriters ensure rapid response times and professional guidance. Minimum premiums start from £150, you can obtain quotes and incept cover online in minutes.

✅ Low premiums
✅ A rated capacity
✅ Rapid turnarounds

It is important to note that the specific coverage and exclusions can vary between insurance policies and providers.

If you already have access to our online facilities, please click the button below to submit your enquiry.

Online Facilities

If you have an agency with DOA, you may contact us directly for set up on the system:

Work With Us If you do not already have an agency and would like to become a DOA agent, you can apply here:

Agency Application